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Gig Workers

Use Gigforce to search for job vacancies advertised in your area.

  • Register, write a profile and upload your CV. Describe the type of work you are seeking, e.g. taxi driving, bar work, or skilled or professional work, also category from the dropdown list. Upload a photo wish to.

  • Your profile is stored Gig Force on our encrypted database where potential employers can view. So only include necessary contact information and location, do not include your home address or phone number only provide email or other app contact means.

  • If you are seeking ‘temporary work’ or ‘part-time work’, specify days and hours you are available including how far you wish to travel for work.



Gigforce ensures your employer commits pay you at the rate of pay agreed on confirmation of satisfactory work completion. You must log into your account and click Yes against your hire details you may also add you bank details to receive payment. Your employer should then pay you immediately by electronic bank transfer or other means.

If unable to undertake the work/task you accepted, you should inform your employer immediately, so that they can make alternative arrangements.

Should there be any dispute, Gig Force can help resolve this.


Gig Force employs a star rating system for both employee and employer, those with more stars attract job offers and applicants.